Monday, April 13, 2009

Ryan Sellick Kinetic Typography

Title: Just a Ride

Research: I didn't do any research, I had to capture the audio and type out the text.

For this assignment, I wanted to present the philosophy of late comedian Bill Hicks with animated text.

Analysis: I wanted the look to be very fluid, almost dreamy. I animated the text in ways that articulated what he was saying, and I kept certain motifs (Fear, Love, Ride) in the same text to preserve continuity.

Conclusion: I'm very happy with the way it turned out despite a few minor imperfections. I think it took far too long because it was 2 minutes long and I worked in 3d space. I was happy that I didn't find it tedious as much as it was time consuming. If I could, I would have animated the background to make it look more fluid, but I wanted to cut down on render time.


  1. positive
    -Perfect timing
    -Word effects
    -Layout of words

    -the darkness took away from it, even though i know you are in to it.

  2. Fantastic! Put that on Youtube very quickly! Loved it

  3. great animation. your graphics were also awesome. i was a bit iffy on some of your font selections (like the part where it went all red), but overall most of them were fitting. great job!

  4. That was awesome. Should really be on youtube. About as good as it can get.

  5. Good:
    1. I love the 3D space!
    2. Great text animation and font choice
    3. Great camera moves

    I have no suggestions. Great job!

  6. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
