Monday, February 23, 2009

LeTasha Zdenek- Project 2

After viewing the project, please comment three strengths and three weaknesses.

You can select five projects out of the class to critique.


  1. Loved the subtle text tracking along with the halo and devil horns!

  2. Good:
    1. Good use of text tracking.
    2. Good use of image replacement.
    3. I loved the halo and horns!

    Things that could be improved:
    1. It kind of felt like the halo and horns faded out too fast.
    2. I also thought the text faded out too fast.
    3. You could have added more After Effects effects.

  3. I like the props on the dogs. The running went a little long, you could used scale to change up some of the text tracking. overall it was very good

  4. I like it cuz it had dogs in it, also the devil horns would be cool if they went longer
