Monday, February 23, 2009

Adam Beuoy- Project 2

After viewing the project, please comment three strengths and three weaknesses.

You can select five projects out of the class to critique.


  1. That was a really great job. Did a nice job using the green screen.

  2. you guys did really good....there was some really good green screening in there...and it looked like you guys did and learned a lot

  3. I loved PEE WEE big adventure music and I loved the opening pop up stuff.

  4. 1.Soundfx plays great homage to popup video
    2.Great informational video and idea, good storyboarding too.
    3.Your vector graphics were nice!

    1.Greenscreen was great but the riding screens were okay
    2.The video would have been awesome if the footage was clean
    3.It didn't seem like you text track.

  5. I always enjoyed pop up video, and you duplicated it really well. I liked the touch of having an old work-out bike as the one being ridden during the green screen.
