Monday, February 23, 2009

Linda Vang - Project 2

After viewing the project, please comment three strengths and three weaknesses.

You can select five projects out of the class to critique.


  1. The text tracking was simple and effective, nice job.

  2. great image replacement, great way to use the green screen. Effects were very cool.

  3. I liked the text tracking, it was really nice, and I liked how you put the image on the picture, I had a hard time telling thats what you had done.

  4. Great text tracking. The background was very cool, and I liked your animations. I guess the image replacement could have been better... Good job!

  5. That was really great. loved the animation Loved the timing. I hate kanwy West. I thought it was good overall.

  6. Good use of the green screen. I liked what you did with the image replacement and the text tracking.

  7. i was really good really colorful too. the look of it was amazing wish i know how u really did it.
