Monday, February 16, 2009

Read the following

Copy paste the link:

Is the following a narrative or a story? How has the internet affected storytelling in todays age?

What method of storytelling is it? oral? Visual? Conventional or Unconventional?


  1. I feel this is a narrative, we are reading what has already transpired in the conversation. The internet has made communication so easy that you don't even need to get up and go into the next room. I felt this to be an oral method, even though you are reading it, it has been told via an oral method. this is a conventional story.

  2. you can read it as a story, but it is really a narrative told by the people conversing; the chronological telling of love and marriage/ via the new generation of talking to people---- the internet. Acronyms, initialisms, and alphabetisms. no emotion just a past time :(

  3. My personal opinion is that a story and a narrative are the same thing; so the above blog post is both a narrative and a story.
    The story/narrative is narrated by the use of MSN Messenger. That alone proves how the internet is making storytelling easier. Stories can reach a worldwide audience if posted on the correct website. I would have never heard of this story if it wasn’t for the use of the internet!
    This story is Visual. An argument can be made to say its oral but since the medium used in this story is MSN Messenger no voice is ever heard. Since the whole conversation is read this makes it a visual story.
    I would have said that this story is unconventional a few years ago but since the use of technology to tell stories is growing by leaps and bounds this story is now conventional. Just look at the blogs posted in Japan by girls using their phones. Those blog posts are now being made into books and are very popular. That is another example of how technology is being used to tell stories and this storytelling method is now conventional.

  4. I think that this story is a narrative because it takes place right in front of the viewer’s eyes through MSN Messenger. This is not a typical medium that one could use tell a story; in fact this is a medium that I would have never thought of to compose a story. Usually this story would be communicated through traditional storytelling, i.e. someone would have read this MSN conversation and summarized it so that it would have a beginning, middle and ending. I enjoyed this story b/c it unfolded through conversation and I wanted to know what happened next, I also learned something about the Muslim culture. This story is a perfect example on how technology is changing the way we not only tell stories but how they are shared and communicated, in that almost any form of media can be used to tell a story.

  5. This is a narrative. Because we are reading it from a third perspective. These e-stories are a perfect example of how technology is affecting communication and story telling. With the more technology grows, these types of e-stories are quickly becoming the conventional method of story telling.

  6. 1. I think it is a narrative. The story is basically a transcript for a MSN Messenger chat. It recounts a past conversation.
    2. The internet has supplied us with many more mediums and opportunities for storytelling. With these mediums, more stories can be told and more people can be reached.
    3. I think it is an example of visual storytelling. In this case, I had to read each message in order to follow the story. The story’s author relies on text to tell the story not spoken words.
    4. I also believe that this story is an example of conventional storytelling. The story has already been written and requires no participation from the audience.

  7. I think that it is a story and a narrative, because it fits as both. I feel that it used to be an unconventional method, but since the internet has become a part of most of humanity it is much more conventional today.
