Monday, February 23, 2009

Benjamin Phillippe- Project2

After viewing the project, please comment three strengths and three weaknesses.

You can select five projects out of the class to critique.


  1. Loved the music!! Nice job on the side scrolling Effect and Nice job on the image on the TV.

  2. very nice job on the image replacement. Nice job on the blocks and turtle and mushroom props.

  3. I really like the way everything lined up so well, you did a great job!. I especially like when you kicked the turtle shell into the other guy, that was great...

  4. was really jolly.
    2.the tracking was well done.
    3.titles and storyboarding were great, well done

    1.I don't know how i feel about the 1up
    2.the costume didn't look like mario but the color correction fx looked good (if you did use one)
    3.the ground could have used a little color correction

  5. Great job on the image tracking and replacement! Great job on credits. Loved the concept!

  6. Strengths
    1 Good tracking with the shell
    2 Great talent, good acting, good clothing
    3 Very good image replacement in beginning. I thought it was real


    1 I thought the turtle murdering scene started out too drawn out.
    2 I think the sound FX could have been a little better... I wanted to hear more from the actual game (1 up sound mainly)
    3 The second image replacement was a bit off

  7. Good:
    1. Great music!
    2. Good use of text tracking.
    3. Good image replacement on the tv.

    Things that could be improved (Maybe. Probably not.):
    1. can probably use the bezier warp some more on your image replacement.
    2. You could add more of a story to it.
    3. You could add more After Effects effects to it.

  8. Good job on the image tracking. The tv looked awesome when it first turned on.

  9. great image replacement. great concept, and well executed. the backgrounds could have been more game related.
